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Kremasta slastica u osvježavajućem ljetnom obliku

Donosimo recept za zdrave čokoladne košarice s voćem.

Donosimo recept za zdrave čokoladne košarice s voćem.

Čokoladne košarice savršen su desert, ali bili smo u potrazi za zdravijom, lakšom slasticom za ove ljetne vrućine. Međutim, nabasali smo na zdraviju verziju čokoladnih košarica u čijem se punjenje nalaze jogurt i voće. Ova lagana slastica zahtjeva tek nekoliko sastojaka te ima vrlo jednostavnu pripremu.

@fitfoodieselma Healthy Chocolate Cookie Cups🤩 These are such a fun desserts or snack idea😋 My recipe E-book is almost ready! Hopefully, I’ll be able to publish it within this month😍 • This recipe makes 8 - 10 cups • For the cups: 2 bananas 2 cups gluten-free oats (480 ml) 1/4 cup unsweetened cacao powder (60 ml) 1 - 2 tablespoons maple syrup • For the filling: 1 cup (lactose-free) Greek yogurt (240 ml) 2 tablespoons unsweetened cacao powder 1 tablespoon maple syrup (or honey if you don’t have IBS) + sliced strawberries + blueberries • 1. Mash the bananas. Add the oats, cacao powder and maple syrup and stir until combined 2. Press the mixture into greased muffin pan and form into cups 3. Bake at 180 Celsius degrees (350 in Fahrenheit) for about 20-25 minutes 4. Let the cookie cups cool down 5. Mix the ingredients for the filling together. Fill the cups with the filling. Add the berries on top and enjoy! 6. Store in the fridge! • • 💗Follow for more easy recipes! • • • #healthydessertrecipes #healthydesserts #easydessert #healthytreats #summerdessert #glutenfreedessert #glutenfreedessert #snackideas #snackrecipe #cookiecups ♬ Golden Hour: Piano Version - Andy Morris


2 banane

400 g zobenih pahuljica

70 g kakaa u prahu

1-2 žlice meda ili javorovog sirupa

240 ml grčkog jogurta

Jagode i borovnice


1. Banana stavite u posudu i zgnječite

2. U posudu dodajte zobene pahuljice, 50 g kakaa u pravu, javorov sirup ili med te dobro promiješajte

3, Smjesu utisnite u kalupe za muffine, oblikujte u košarice i pecite na 180 Celzijevih stupnjeva  oko 20 minuta, a zatim ih ostavite da se ohlade

4. U posudu dodajte dvije žlice kakaa i grčki jogurt te dobro promiješajte

5. Napunite košarice smjesom te dodajte voće na vrh, preostaje vam samo uživanje u ukusnom desertu!